Internet of Things

IoT is the concept of connecting "things" to the Internet. Examples of things can be containers, bananas, cats and dogs, machines, toilets, traffic lights, birds and micro robots.
The internet stands for any private or public network, wired or wireless, open or highly secured, which makes the things to be connectable.
The IoT ecosystem consists of end-devices (things equipped with sensors and actuators), a network (including gateways and back-end) and an agent (people of machine). The internet of things offers to companies opportunities to collect data from things and control them.

Benefits of IoT Solutions

The IoT technology allows you to be in direct contact with the things, even if they are remote or moving, and act immediately in order to increase efficiency and therefore productivity. Some advantages of the internet of things are listed here:

Productivity and profitability
IoT boost productivity and profitability of a company because data from remote sensors is available and actions can be taken immediately. No need for someone to be on site to collect the data.

New business opportunities
Often IoT solutions create new business opportunities because a company gets immediate feedback from the things and can act more precisely. Therefore the company can offer higher service quality.

Improves security levels
IoT improves security levels because a change or a loss of data from the end-device can be detected and counter measures can be started immediately.


Internet of things and security

How secure is the internet of things? This depends on the client's required level of security and budget. The IoT device protection is only one aspect, but the security solutions for the network is another vast field. IoT development companies offer state of the art secure programming during production, locked access to the device internals and adapted level of encryption through hardware and software secure elements. This comes with a higher price and needs to be carefully evaluated.

IoT Applications

The field of IoT applications is vast and the number of IoT solution providers is increasing. The collection below collects just the most important verticals.

Smart City

In smart cities the number of vehicles and people are counted and the flow is controlled through internet of things. The air and water quality is measured continuously and problems can be identified quickly and counter measures can be put in place.


Patients are monitored through internet of things technology. In hospitals hand hygiene monitoring can be implemented with IoT. Even small robots in the human body could use internet of things technology.

Smart Agriculture

Precision farming like livestock tracking and irrigation management are well known internet of things applications. They are based on real time nutrition level measurements, climate data and localisation.


Supply Chain & Logistics

In transportation and logistics the tracking of the asset is done either through a global positioning system or the proximity of a gateway with it is known position. IoT sensors can be attached to the goods to monitor the environmental parameters.


Smart Retail

Customers expect a high standard for the food, especially for the cold chain. IoT sensors and loggers help a company to guarantee these high standards by even reducing costs.


Industry 4.0

In industrial internet of things sensors, instruments, machines, energy management and much more are all connected together in order to optimize the whole production site.


Smart Metering

Smart Metering becomes more and more important. Facility management companies can streamline their processes and supply chains and they can save costs from staff going to each building to read the meter values.


Smart Buildings

In smart buildings windows, doors, dishwashers and vacuum cleaners are connected to the energy management system, which uses data from sensors for temperature and humidity and which controls the heating for each room.


Asset Tracking

Asset tracking is a big field and covers container tracking in transportation companies, tracability in production of products, animal tracking and simply "find my bicycle" or "find my keys".


Internet of Things Success Stories

A facility management company manages hundreds of buildings spread over a large area and always needed people to regularly check the gaz, oil, and water meters for maintenance and billing.

How the facility management company started using internet of things

The company added internet of things sensors for each gas, oil and water meter and placed a gateway per site. This way they could improve their service and reduce costs. Further more they installed temperature and air quality sensors to analyze the buildings in order to improve their CO2 emission balance.


IoT Products

Internet of things devices are typically produced in high volumes. The product development is often based on an existing radio module which is then completed with customer specific sensors and actuators. Off the shelve gateways can be used due to standardized radio protocols.

Miromico IoT Produkte

miro Alarm
miro Click
miro Insight
miro LogiButton
miro Scan'n'Get


What is Internet of Things?

IoT is the concept of connecting "things" to the Internet. Examples of things can be containers, bananas, cats and dogs, machines, toilets, traffic lights, birds and micro robots. The internet stands for any private or public network, wired or wireless, open or highly secured, which makes the things to be connectable.

What does the Internet of Things enable?

The internet of things IoT enables to collect data from things and control them, even if they are remote or moving.

How is Internet of Things used ?

IoT enables companies to automate processes digitally and reduce labor costs. It also cuts down on waste and improves service delivery, making it less expensive to manufacture and deliver goods, as well as offering transparency into customer transactions.

What are IoT solutions?

An internet of things solution provides Hardware (end-devices with sensors and connectivity) and Software (Data processing and Algorithm).

What are Internet of Things devices?

In order to enable the acquisition of data, devices like sensors and gateways are a necessity to gather and forward the data directly to the cloud.

Why is the Internet of Things (IoT) so important?

The internet of things helps people live and work smarter, as well as gain complete control over their lives. In addition to offering smart devices to automate homes, IoT is essential to business. IoT provides businesses with a real-time look into how their systems really work, delivering insights into everything from the performance of machines to supply chain and logistics operations.
